brain activity, brain development, new discoveries, walk, walking

Our Brains Take Rhythmic Snapshots of the World as We Walk – And We Never Knew

For decades, psychology departments worldwide have studied human behavior in darkened laboratories that restrict natural movements, such as walking. Our new study, published in Nature Communications, challenges the wisdom of this approach. Using virtual reality (VR), we have revealed previously hidden aspects of perception that occur during a simple everyday action — walking. We found ...

Troy Oakes

A woman walking down a country road.

Uncovering the Mystery of Japanese Longevity

Japan, universally recognized for its population’s longevity and astonishingly low obesity rates, often leaves foreigners exclaiming: “You can hardly spot anyone overweight on the streets of Japan!” Interestingly, Japanese people don’t have a strong penchant for exercise or physical fitness routines. According to one survey, Japan ranks 11th among countries with the least love of ...

Hermann Rohr

A Japanese woman walking through a village.

‘King of Medicine’ Sun Simiao’s Precious Methods for Preserving Good Health

In ancient China there lived a famous medical doctor and pharmacologist named Sun Simiao (A.D. 541-682). Sun was so respected by later generations that he came to be called the “King of Medicine’.’ He not only advocated for health preservation among his patients, but he personally practiced the things he recommended.  According to legend, at the age ...

Tatiana Denning

Elderly couple walking through a park.

Walking Is the Best Exercise

Walking is a low-impact exercise that’s great for everything. It frees us from the shackles of work and life, and frees our bodies, brains, and minds. Sometimes when you really can not think of something or you’re bored sitting in the house for a long time, go ahead and push open the door to go ...

David Jirard

A family out walking.

3 Best Longevity Medicines Are Free

Everyone longs for a long, healthy life. With all the information available in the world today, what is the simplest and quickest way to improve your health? There are 3 “longevity medicines” that can help your health, reduce illnesses, and move you toward living a long life. They are all free and worth recommending to everyone.  3 free ...

Helen London

The words 'Long Life' on a wooden sign with a street background.

Try Nordic Pole Walking for a Full Body Workout

Walking is an excellent low-impact exercise that is achievable for people of all ages. If you try Nordic Pole Walking for just 20 minutes a day, you can expect to feel more energetic, experience improved mental health, sleep better, and even slow aging. Walking is so simple and comes at virtually no cost, unless you count in ...

Raven Montmorency

Hiking poles lean against a rock with a blue water bottle sitting on it with mountains seen in the background.

Life in Order: The 3 Types of Rest You Need to Take

People spend most of their day engaged in activities that drain them physically and mentally. Over time, this can lead to burnout where the person starts feeling tired all the time and may get depressed. Your body and mind need rest at appropriate intervals or you will end up inviting numerous kinds of trouble. 3 ...

Raven Montmorency

A man contemplating.

Painful Walking After 50 May Be Due to Vascular Problems

Many people expect that they will experience weakening limbs and walking difficulties as they age and don’t pay attention if it happens to them. In fact, these symptoms can be closely related to vascular problems. Feeling pain when walking can be due to blood vessel blockages. A symptom closely related to arterial occlusion is the ...

Helen London

Older people out walking.

Fitness Trackers Can Have Long-Term Benefits

Fitness trackers have been quite the rage over the past few years. A study published in PLOS Medicine suggests that self-monitoring and setting personal goals using a fitness tracker in the short term can bring huge changes to one’s health and overall lifestyle. Tracking fitness Over 1,000 participants were part of the study. The subjects ...

Raven Montmorency

Fitness trackers.

Get Up and Walk: Counting the Steps to Good Health

Walking has long been seen as an ideal way for people to get fit without hitting the gym. The longer one walks, the more fat the body burns. New research now suggests that walking anywhere up to 7,500 steps every day will keep you healthy and extend your lifespan. 7.5K steps daily In a study ...

Raven Montmorency

A young woman at the top of a mountain.