life enjoyment, mindfulness, quality time, reducing stress, slowing down, work-life balance

8 Strategies for Slowing Down and Enjoying Life

Slowing down to enjoy life in the modern, fast-paced world is essential. However, the busyness of life never seems to stop. Most people are occupied from waking up until they set their heads on their pillows. Ironically, technology, meant to make our lives easier, contributes to this hectic existence. But how does being “productive” and ...

Nathan Machoka

A crowded city sidewalk.

How to Make Time for Yourself

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to become engulfed in a whirlwind of responsibilities, commitments, and endless to-do lists. Amid this chaos, carving out time for oneself — an essential component of maintaining overall health — often falls by the wayside. Yet, setting aside time for personal care is not merely a luxury; it’s a ...

Viena Abdon

Man sitting at his desk trying to fend off co-workers intent on dumping their work on him.

Embracing Slow Living: Understanding the Movement and Its Soaring Popularity

Slow living encourages individuals to embrace a more deliberate pace, fostering a deeper connection with the present moment and promoting balance in an otherwise hectic life. This article delves into the roots of the slow-living movement, its principles, and the reasons behind its growing popularity. The slow living movement traces its origins to the Slow ...

Viena Abdon

Mature couple holding hands and walking together outside.

The Foundations of Happiness in Danish Egalitarian Society

The idyllic notion of a stateless utopia where the old have care, the young have growth, and the able-bodied are employed, manifests itself not in a fabled land, but in the snowy reaches of Denmark, known globally for its high levels of happiness. In Aarhus, Denmark’s second-largest city, flower stands operate without a vendor in ...

Mikel Davis

Map of Europe with the Danish flag stuck in the country of Denmark.

Is Standing at Your Desk Actually Better Than Sitting?

In modern life, many of us spend the majority of our waking hours sitting. A recent review of the research has reiterated the harmful health impacts of prolonged, unbroken periods of sitting, but what about standing? Many workplaces have adopted sit-stand desks, which allow you to sit down or stand up with the push of ...

Troy Oakes

Standing at a desk while working.

7 Tips to Stay Healthy While Working From Home

Working from home can be a great way to stay productive while having a flexible schedule, but it can also be stressful and isolating. Improve your work-from-home experience by taking care of your physical and mental health and following these tips to stay healthy and balanced. Working from home has become increasingly popular in recent ...

Arianne Ayson

Working from home.

Step-by-Step Guide to Choosing a Career

When a person comes of age, they are finally met with that daunting question of what career path they want to follow. Choosing the wrong way could lead to future problems, which is why this guide is designed to help you choose the perfect career for your future. Adulting 101: Choosing a career the right ...

Mike West

Office workers working as a team.

9 Practical Tips to Achieve a Work-Life Balance

Many of us have experienced situations where we felt work had begun to take over or become too much. So in difficult times like this, when many people are adjusting to new ways of working, it may be even more important to establish healthy work boundaries. Examining things in terms of work-life balance — how ...

Haidene Go

Office stress.

Pro Tips to Achieve a Work-Life Balance While Working From Home

Are you a work-from-home (remote jobs) employee or business professional? Do you need to know how to achieve a proper work-life balance in this environment? If so, this article is just for you. Greater flexibility is one of the most significant advantages of remote work. Employees can take advantage of the option to work remotely ...

Ratul Saha

Laptop resting on a table with a sign that reads 'work from home.'

What You Need to Know About New Work

“New Work” is a term that denotes a new way of working that is relevant to the modern digital age. The phrase was coined by Frithjof Bergmann, an Austro-American social philosopher, based on his assessment that the traditional method of working is outdated. New Work New Work is based on four core tents that seek ...

Nspirement Staff

Man in shorts with a laptop.